April 5, 2013

The Elizabethan Age

In my last post I wrote about making a project about Bach for my music class. I wanted to post a photo of it, but ... my teacher said it was so good that she wanted to show it to other kids so I had to leave it in the music class. I will post a photo after I get it back.

Since Wednesday my Dad can not talk, because he had an operation on his vocal cords. It's quiet, because he doesn't talk on the phone anymore.

Yesterday we started reading a book about the Queen of England, Elizabeth I. We also read about her times in other books.

While Mama was reading to me I made a pattern with Palago blocks. Take a look at it and tell me how you like it.


  1. Hej, witam Cię Jasiu,
    proszę, wyjaśnij mi co to jest palagio blocks? Gra?
    A kiedy dokończysz post about Bach? A może grasz jakiś utwór Bacha?

    1. Palago to jest fajna gra, w ktora mozna rowniez grac samemu.
      O moim projekcie o Bachu napisze w czwartek, bo dopiero w srode dostane moj plakat spowrotem.
      Gram teraz Minuet BWV Anh.116 Bacha.
