July 13, 2013

Ania 來我們家

禮拜二很忙,爸爸媽媽和我坐了一整天的車。我們先開車把爸爸送到高雄,然後我跟媽媽先去屏東接 Ania,再回去高雄接爸爸。在回台北的路上,我們去楠西找莉莉阿姨,她送我們很多芒果。回到家已經晚上10點了。

玲玲來我們家的第二天很想屏東的家。星期四Ewa阿姨來我們家,Ania 除了看她的兒子Artur在玩水以外,也在看我吹saxophone

星期五我們在家裡等蘇力颱風,結果颱風半夜才來。星期六早上我發現我們院子裡的搖椅被風吹走了!下午我做了cappuccino spice 餅乾給客人吃因為下午有爸媽的朋友來我們家。因為他們也有帶狗,所以我很他們的兩個孩子去遛狗,帶他們看瀑布。今天瀑布的水特別多。

July 7, 2013


Do you know why I haven't written for so long?

I went for a cruise with Zosia, my Taiwanese grandparents and 2 aunts.

Our cruise liner
Arrived in Keelung and ready to go on board.
Ready to board

It was my first cruise ever. We went to Japan and Korea.
I liked the time on the cruise ship, but I don't enjoy the land trips. They were boring.
On the ship I went swimming (the water in the pool was salty), walked around, watched people dancing on the deck. Zosia and I made friends with bartenders (they were from India and Philippines) and some other Taiwanese teenagers.
There was even a water slide!
Fun in the pool!

Look at me jumping!
One of the Indian bartenders, Kuma.
Taiwanese friends that we met on the cruise.
The first evening we watched a magic show, but we couldn't watch it to the end, because my grandparents and aunts told us we have to go for dinner.
I liked the food on the cruise very much. There was a 24h buffet restaurant an a-la-carte restaurant. I liked the Italian food (ravioli with mushrooms, spaghetti, pizza) and chicken soup with noodles the most. The ship was Italian so the Italian food the best!

All dressed up for dinner.
I forgot to write that the ship was called "Costa Atlantica".
I wish that one day I can go on a cruise again or maybe be a bartender on a cruise...

Next I will need to write about the basketball camp I had last week...